Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sweet Season's Greetings!!

As I mentioned in my previous Christmas post, its all about the setting, the music, the candles and of course decorating the Christmas tree which doesn't usually take place until i hear the carols, vintage of course to match my apron look and can smell the cinammon all around the house in short ,cookie baking is esential ...

This year however I decided to use some gingerbread men cupcake molds i got for my b-day and turn my flat gingerbread cookies into minni cakes...

 White and milk chocolate lollies for the Jolly...

Reindeer, candy canes, Santas, trees and more

oh yes and i could swear i made dark chocolate fudge...will research later

The cakes  smelled of spices just the same, but spongy!  

Friday, November 26, 2010

Banana Coffee Cake

I just love to get home to a cup of tea and coffee cake on a cold windy afternoon. Thing is, tea there might be...but cake? As far as i know I'm the only one baking around here and this, the baking for myself , hadn't been planned you improvisation took the lead. First thing i saw as i stepped into the kitchen were bananas, why not? Banana cake it is...

Me encanta llegar a casa a una taza de té esperándome con algún coffee cake en una tarde de viento invernal. La cosa es que té peude que haya, pero cake? hasta donde yo sé soy la única que hornea por aquí, y esto, lo de hornear para mí misma no había sido planeado...asi que la improvisación se impuso. Lo primero que ví en cuanto entré a la cocina fueron bananas, por qué no ? Cake de Banana será...

A touch of cinnamon ...
Toque de canela...

So... if I'm gonna treat myself let's have it all ... let's drizzle,  cover , baaaaaathe it in chocolate fudge !
Entonces voy a mimarme que sea con todo...chorréemos,cubramos, bañeeeeeemoslo en fudge de chocolate!

Simple & easy &  fast  My moist banana cake
Simple & fácil & rápido Mi banana cake mojadito

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cupcakes and Broomsticks / Cupcakes y Escobas

I had no special costume to wear this Halloween so i decided to dress up my cupcakes
Este Halloween no tenía disfraz que ponerme asi que decidí vestir mis cupcakes

Halloween Creatures / Criaturas de Halloween
Sprinkles, Witch Hats , Spiders...
Grageas, Sombreros de Bruja, Arañas...


munchkin pumpkins
calabacitas minni

and chocolate & vanilla cream broomsticks
y escobas de chocolate y crema de vainilla

Friday, September 10, 2010

Carrot Cupcakes & Cream Cheese Icing / Cupcakes de Zanahoria y Icing de queso

There's nothing like waking up to the smell of home made cupcakes, pancakes, or cakes of any kind on a weekend morning...
No hay nada como depsertar al aroma de cupcakes, pancakes o "cakes" caseros de cualquier tipo en una mañana de fin de semana

however, on this particular morning nothing inspired me ...
that is until the Carrot Cupcake order arrived
Sin embargo, esta mañana en particular nada me inspiraba...eso es hasta que llegó el pedido de cupcakes de zanahoria

and for a change I tripled recipe...
y para variar tripliqué la receta


hice el catering...

enjoyed myself...
las disfruté...

and shared with all those who dropped by...

y compartí con todos lo que pasaron por aquí ...

Monday, June 14, 2010

When Berries meet The Cheese

Berries , my favorite ... beautifully shaped, 



aphrodisiac and sensuous...

to the point the "cheese stood alone" no longer...


posing as comfortably on a table

or in the heights...

I couldn't help but fall in love with my Cheesecake


and gave it an entire photoshoot...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Spring Treats I

I've been tempted to make a "springy " post for a while now and since it's been sunny for a few days in a row here it goes / He estado tentada de hacer una entrada primaveral por un tiempo y ya que lleva soleado variso días seguidos, ahi va

Spring Bouquet

Daisy Cookies / Galletas Margarita

Butterflies... in your stomach...literally !
Marposas ... en tu estómago...literalmente !

Spring Baskets
Canastas de Primavera

a tisket a tastket, a green and yellow ...well , a purple yellow basket!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Easter Goodies / Delicias de Pascua

Petit White Chocolate Truffle Egg / Huevo Trufa de Chocolate Blanco Petit


Milk Chocolate Fudge Flowers  / Flores de Fudge de Chocolate con Leche

Petit Dark Chocolate Truffle Eggs
Huevos Trufa de Chocolate Oscuro Petit

Candy Filled and Chocolate Filled White & Pink Chocolate Easter Eggs

Huevos de Chocolate Blanco y Rosado rellenos de dulces

Petit Marble Truffle Egg
Huevo Trufa "Mármol" Petit